Membership & Benefits


At BioKansas, we explore and tackle a number of challenges in the life sciences sector by bringing together key stakeholders and leaders in the community. Through our partnerships, we aim to provide quality engagement opportunities to a wide variety of individuals – from company leaders to students.


"Why Biokansas?"


– Unlock a vast network of fellow individuals advancing the bioscience sector       

– Attend community centered events that provide an array of content                      

– Access discounted lab equipment and supplies, professional services, and more

with Bio Business Solutions®

Core Business Members

Industry: For-profit companies engaged in research or those that provide products/services within the biosciences industry. 

Yearly dues based on number of U.S. employees.

Associate: For-profit companies, providing services to the bioscience industry.

consulting, accounting, legal, communications, marketing, professional staffing, or others

Yearly dues based on number of KS & Kansas City employees.

Not-for-Profit &

Any 501c entity or government agency.

Yearly dues based on annual budget for each entity or agency.


Teaching: Educational institution whose primary focus is teaching. 

Yearly dues based on annual full-time equivalent student enrollment.

Research: Research institution who, in addition to teaching, also receive significant funding dedicated to research.  

Yearly dues based on federal life science expenditures.


Any individual hospital is welcome to become a BioKansas member due to their essential role in advancing and applying the biosciences.

Professional Development
& Training

We offer many programs to students and professionals focused on industry specific skills and knowledge providing meaningful content to prepare participants for numerous career opportunities within the bioscience ecosystem.

Life Science

Our advocacy efforts aim to support state and federal actions that support a favorable business evironment for the growth of the Kansas bioscience community

Bio Business Solutions®

BioKansas helps companies make the most of their capital. Our members save on equipment, supplies, and services through the BIO Business Solutions savings programs available through our partnership with the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO).

Through Bio Business Solutions, our members can save up to 75% on select services such as:

Lab & Office

Insurance &

News Distribution

These benefits are available to BioKansas members at no additional cost!

2021 savings received by members from bio business solutions
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